Best Vegetables to Grow in Pots
Self-Watering Containers (WICK) can be found on Blog
How TO Grow with Speciality Farms
Self watering planter with a 5 gallon bucket
Container gardening can be an excellent way to take advantage of
normally unusable space on your patio or garden.
Most of the beans are climbers or bushier type and they grow upward. They are productive in pots and are easy to grow. You can grow them on a trellis near a wall and within weeks, you will get a green wall of beans running across the trellis. For growing beans you need a sunny place, and a pot that is minimum 12 inches deep (the bigger the better) and a strong trellis like structure for support.
Without a doubt, tomatoes are the most productive vegetables you can grow in pots. Tomatoes need ample sun (5-6 hours minimum). The pot size depends on the type of tomatoes you are growing.
For growing lettuce, choose a wide planter rather than deep (6″ deep is enough). When planting, make sure to leave space of at least 4 inches between each plant. Remember, leaf lettuces can be grown more closely than head lettuces. Use well draining soil and do shallow and frequent watering to keep the soil slightly moist always.
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Peppers and Chillies
Peppers and chillies are super productive and excellent candidates for growing in containers. They look great in pots and need a sunny and warm place to thrive. If you keep the pot in a sunny spot and provide right soil and fertilize the plant time to time it will fruit heavily. A large pot that is atleast 12 inches deep is optimum.
Radishes are one of the quickest growing vegetables and suitable for container vegetable gardening as you can also grow them in small and wide pots. A planter that is just 6 inches deep is enough but if you want to grow larger varieties use 8-10 inches deep pot. Allow 3 inches of space between each plant.
Asian Greens
Asian greens are great crops to grow in pots as they grow fast and don’t need a lot of sun. You can grow them in shade in a spot that receives 3-4 hours of morning sun. Providing them plenty of moisture and organic fertilizer is important so that they thrive.
Spinach is one of the best vegetables for containers. It grows well in partial shade and in any kind of space. Growing spinach in containers is easy too you can even grow it indoors on a windowsill. For growing spinach in pots, choose a pot that is least 6-8 inches deep. You don’t need a very deep pot rather use a wide one
They grow quickly without attention. You can even grow peas on a balcony. Choose a dwarf or bushier type varieties and do regular and frequent watering as peas prefer slightly moist soil. Keep the plants in a spot that receives full sun to part sun (especially in warm climates).
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Carrot plants need regular watering, otherwise the roots dry out and crack. Growing this plant in containers is easy and it doesn’t take much space
Cucumbers are heavy feeders and require regular watering too. Grow them in a medium to large sized pot (depending on the variety) and in full sun.
it is easier to maintain them in containers than in a large vegetable garden. It is necessary that you keep the pots in a full sun and feed heavily (like all other plants from tomato family– peppers, tomatoes, potatoes; eggplants are heavy feeders too)
Squashes are easy to grow plants. Summer squashes (Zucchini) are more productive than winter squashes. You can harvest bountiful even in containers. It is one of the most suitable crops for rooftop, balcony or patio gardeners.
These Documents contain information gathered from many Online
Communities and all possible references have been given to the authors
of each individual article.
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